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Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League

We are Celebrating Family Day for the whole Month of February

The Hawks Organization is excited to celebrate Family and so much more this February. We have decided to offer not 1 but 3 promotions to thank all the good people of Nipawin for their support of the amazing team we have in our community.

The 1st promotion is a $25.00 Family Admission to any Hawks home game in February. Two Adults and up to 3 Children or Students all get in for $25.00.

The 2nd promotion is any Season Ticket holder who brings a friend who buys a game admission, will both be entered into a draw for a 2 Night Stay at the Candle Lake Golf Resort valued at $550.00. Entries can be made at the Booster Booth.

The 3rd promotion is 2 for 1 Student Admissions to any Hawks Home Game in February. We are proud of the youth within our community and love to see them at our games. Giving back to the future of Nipawin. Just show your student ID at the door and get 2 admissions for the price of 1.

Hope to see you all there as we celebrate you, the people of this fine town.