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Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League

Nipawin Hawks Ag Venture Crop is Seeded

On Saturday May 5 and Sunday May 6 the 2019 Ag Venture Wheat Crop was officially in the hands of Mother Nature. Now we need sunshine, rain and a great summer to get the crop growing. Many thanks go to all the people who made it happen.

Thanks to Sheldon and Greg Peifer who did the Heavy Harrowing and will be spraying the land. We would like to recognize the Pineland Coop for their donation of Nitrogen Fertilizer, Tebbutt Seeds for providing the Wheat and last but not least Wade Annand of Longview Land and Cattle for seeding the fields. We cannot run this great fund raiser for the Nipawin Hawks without all your support. Also to TerrySlusar,Greg Peifer and Dennis Botterill, your volunteer efforts are greatly appreciated in coordinating this huge project.